Obedience or Disobedience and the Consequences

Obedience or Disobedience and the Consequences.

Numbers 22.
Balaam and the Donkey.

There is so much to unpack in this chapter. It’s very challenging.

Balak sends for Balaam to come and to curse Israel. Balak sends his elders to Balak with the deviners fee.

They arrive at Balaam’s place and speak the words of Balak to Balaam.

Balaam tells them to lodge there the night while he seeks the Lord for guidence.

In verse 12, God spoke to Balaam saying not to go with them, he shall not curse the people (Israel) for they are Blessed.

God shut the door. That should have been the end of it. But as we continue to read through the chapter. It wasn’t.

At first, Balaam did the right thing and didn’t go with them. He stayed home.

Balak again then sends princes more numerous and honourable this time. They plead with Balaam to come with them and curse the people , that Balaam will be honoured greatly.

Did Balaam tell them No, he could not defy God and go with them, and was not to curse the people as the Lord told him?

No he didn’t. Instead, Balaam said ” Though Balak were to give me his house full of silver and gold, he could not go beyond the word of the Lord my God to do more or less. ( verse 18).

Balaam then asks them to lodge the night so that he may know what more the Lord will say. ( verse 19)

Clearly Balaam wanted to go and was determined to go. His heart wasn’t good or in the right place. He wanted the riches etc.
Verse 32 says Balaam’s ways were perverse.

God seeing and knowing Balaam’s heart, handed him over to it and said go. But told Balaam to speak only the words the Lord wanted Balaam to say.

Balaam disobeyed the Lord and went anyway.

Verse 22 says ” The Lords anger was aroused because Balaam went. The Angel of the Lord took His stand in the way as an adversary against Balaam.

This is the consequences of Balaam’s disobedience.

But the Donkey protected Balaam 3 times. In yet Balaam struck the donkey until he saw the Angel of the Lord. In verse 32, The Angel of the Lord told Balaam his ways were perverse before the Lord.

Verse 34 Balaam acknowledges his sin. However, only part of his sin. He only mentioned the part of not knowing the Angel of the Lord was there. Balaam didn’t humble himself and acknowledge his greed and disobedience to the Lord by going.

Challenging Food for thought.

(Just between you and Jesus)
When we reflect this onto our own lives. What times did we disobey God because we really wanted it? What has the consequences been?

Have there been times when we simply made assumptions it was God’s will for you because it seemed the right thing to do and because everyone else was doing it.? What were the consequences?

My encouragement to you is to humble ourselves before the Lord and acknowledge our sins if we haven’t done it in the past already. We don’t want to carry this anymore. Let Jesus cleanse us and make us whole. It frees us.

We are so close to the finishing line now, let us finish the race in doing God’s will ( dependent) and not our own ( Independent ). Lets finish the race well.

We need Jesus, we depend upon Jesus. Cheering you on.
God Bless. ❤️

God will Get you through

It’s now 2022. For the last few weeks I have felt strongly that we need to be Prepared. We need to prepare.

Most of us know that the Bible warned us that in end times, the New World Order

( NWO) would take place bringing in a One world Government, One world currency, One world Religion etc. The Global Reset. They have been planning and setting this up for a very long time now.

The Bible has made it very clear that things will continue to get more and more evil and dark, that it will lead to The Great Tribulation which will bring forth the Antichrist and the mark of the beast as well as massive distruction etc.

God forwarned us not to scare us but to prepare us.

Years ago, reading these scriptures, we could only imagine what and how it would be like. Now, we know for sure because it’s a reality. The stage is set, all the players are in place. Prophesies are unfolding before our very eyes at a rapid rate. The snowball has so much momentum, there is no stopping it.

Jesus is coming back real soon. Get ready.🙏❤️👑🎺⛅

We know the NWO is here and has been functioning for quite awhile now. We are presently in phase 5 of these Satanic Freemason NWO globalists plan. Everywhere we look around the world we can see it’s true and a reality. One example, they have already exploited shortages of food and goods world wide. They started with the supply chain and now the producers.
Australia has reported a shortage Urea which they predict the impact of that will be felt around March onwards this year.

If everything keeps going to their plan and on time, they plan to start Phase 6 around March this year. We will keep watching for this. The Bible warned us, so we know it is coming.

Phase 6 is
Trigger the economic financial & Stock market collapse. The bankruptcy of the banks. ( we knew this was coming)

They will rescue the losses of the banks in the accounts of their clients.

They will Activate the
<< Great Reset>>

They will De- materialise money

They will cancel debts and loans which will result in them seizing land and property. They own everything and you own nothing.

They will Impose the Digital portfolio ( digital wallet)

They will Ban all global medicines.

They will impose food rationing and a diet based on Codex Alimentarius ( GMO’s, lab grown processed junk etc ). They will control what people eat and how much etc.

They will extend the measures to emerging countries. Result 3rd stage of digital control.

These are just to name a few. It’s all the extention of the N.O.M ( Novus Ordo Mass/ Missae translated it means New World Order). Anyone can research this by the way.

Their plan is to own and control everything, including you. We are nothing but parasites to them. They consider the world is over populated so have been depopulising the world and will continue. They will control how much money they will give you and if you don’t spend it according to their standards, you will be cut off for 12 days to learn your lesson.

They have and will continue to enforce martial law.
This is communism. This is the reality of what’s ahead. We only need to look around the world to see this is true.

None of us know when Jesus will come and catch up/ Rapture the church out of here. We just know the season we are in and we eagerly await Jesus and the Rapture. ❤️🙏

In the meantime, we need to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and being about our Heavenly Fathers business. The Great Commission. Time is running out.

We are not to Fear because Jesus will get us through. Our times are in His hands. He is the Alpha and Omega, our Great physician, our Prince of Peace, our mighty counsellor, our Mighty Warrior, our fortress, Lord, God, King, Savior our everything.

We are to be awake, alert and prepared. If we are under prepared, it will be very difficult. If we prepare for the worse, we are then prepared for anything and can get through it with our eyes fixed on Jesus. If it doesn’t end up being as bad, that’s a bonus.

We need to prepare as Jesus leads us. Jesus is our Rock. We are also not to fear death either if it comes to it. We know that we as born again believers in Christ Jesus go home to be with Jesus. Our earthly race is completed. So, nothing to fear, everything to rejoice. It’s the ultimate healing going home to be with Jesus. ❤️

If you are an unbeliever and don’t know Jesus. Now is the time too. Now is the time to get saved.Time is running out. This world will perish, the world will go through a horriffic time before it perishes but you can be saved from that by getting saved now, putting your full trust, belief and faith in Jesus Christ.

God will also bring a new heaven and earth for us beleivers in Christ. Feel free to message me if you prefer to talk and ask questions.

Jesus is coming. Marantha ❤️🙏👑🎺⛅