What are your Reasons for rejecting God?

I woke up awhile back thinking about the many different reasons why some people reject God.

Some of the reason’s I thought of are below and I have added my response in afterwards :-

1) Some think God is cruel and cold hearted. They wrongly blame God for so many things and say why did God let this happen, or that happen? They have so much anger and bitterness towards God.

My response to this :-

We live in a sinful, sick and fallen world where peoples freedom of choice rules. Everyone has the freedom to chose to do right or wrong, good or evil. Consequences follow.
(This world is groaning too from it all.)

God is a gentleman, He will never force Himself on anyone. He has given people the freedom of choice. People will chose to do what they want regardless of how much God has prompted, warned against doing something etc. That person will either reject or accept the warnings and either choose to do either right or wrong. Consequenses always follows.

Everything we see happening in the world is due to mankinds choices. It’s a sin problem. Sure God could intervene but then that would make us like puppets and how would we ever learn anything, grow and become a better person?

It hurts God, our creator, who is also our Heavenly Father, way more, each time He see’s all this happening in the world, to us. Also the situation(s) that happended in your life that caused you to wrongly blame God.

This is not how God created us to be and live.This world, how it is, is not how God created it to be. This world is an evil and wicked mess and we only have ourselves to blame.

My encouragement to you is to stop wrongly blaming God. (I know I don’t like being blamed for things I didn’t do).

Letting go of that anger and bitterness will bring relief etc. (If we are all honest with ourselves and humble, we realise blaming God is disrepectful and we are simply moving in pride, arrogance and self righteousness whenever we get angry and blame God, point the finger at Him. This is sin. I am reminding myself again of this as I type.).

Allowing God to minister to you and heal you, setting you free from this. You will feel better and free.

I encourage you to read the book of Job in the Bible. Job lost everything, he went through an horriffic time.

Job’s wife said to him “Do you still hold fast to your integrity? Curse God and die”. Job replied to his wife “You speak as one of the foolish women speaks. Shall we indeed accept good from God, and shall we not accept adversity?” In all this, Job did not sin with his lips. Job 2:9-10.

Please know that God always wants to help and Bless us. His ways and thoughts are higher than ours. God’s ways are true and perfect. ❤️

2) Maybe the person loves their sin too much, having their own way. Living for themself.

My Response to that :-

Can you honestly say you are truly happy and that you don’t have any void in your life? Be honest with yourself here please.

We are only in this world for a short time ( maybe 70 – 80 years if we get that far). When we die, there is eternity to consider. Where will you spend eternity? If you keep rejecting Jesus, then you are choosing hell, a place of torment etc for eternity. There is no escape.

If you choose to Return to Jesus, heaven, Paradise awaits. It’s really a no brainer. ❤️

3) The person has a wrong concept of who God really is. They possibly see God as an unreachable, dictating Ogre. May even see God as cruel. Possibly because of the so many different religions out there.

My Response to this is unfortunately, there are too many Man made religions out there with man made rules, traditions and propaganda.

They may have created their own form and belief in who they want God to be. They either promote themselves as god, or make up all these rules on how mankind should come to God.
Or their god’s are nothing more than idols, statues etc that are not alive, don’t see, hear or speak etc.

God of the Holy Bible however, is Living, does see and hear everything. God is All knowing, All powerful, ever present and He does speak.
God brought Himself to mankind through Jesus Christ, who walked this earth, bore yours and my sins and death penalty on the cross, suffering and dying and raising again 3 days later redeeming us so that we can live eternity in heaven with Jesus. Jesus is God. That’s the simplicity of the gospel. We are saved by Grace, not by works so that nobody can boast. Nothing we could ever say or do will ever make us fit for heaven because Heaven is Holy. That’s why Jesus paid it all in full, the ultimate sacrifice for us All on the cross. Salvation is a free gift from God. Believe in Jesus and you will be saved. ❤️

I know there are more possible reasons, but this is getting long.

The point I want to make is, whatever your reasons are for rejecting Jesus. Please, I beg you, work through those reasons and move forward. Seek God now while He maybe found. Pray and ask God, if He is real, to reveal Himself to you and He will. Pick up the Holy Bible and Read the book of John, Genesis, Matthew, Mark, Luke etc.

Hell is a very long time to live with regrets on why did you not listen, seek God and receive His free gift of Salvation by putting your full trust and belief in Jesus and the finished work He did on the cross. We are all sinners in need of a saviour and Jesus is our savior. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. The only way to Heaven. Today is the day of your salvation.

Jesus is coming ❤️👑🎺⛅🙏

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